Finding Aa Meetings In Vancouver Washington

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AA Meetings in Vancouver Northpoint Washington
AA Meetings in Vancouver Northpoint Washington from

What are AA Meetings?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are a worldwide fellowship of men and women sharing their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they can help each other recover from alcoholism. AA meetings are free and open to anyone who wants to stop drinking. AA meetings are held in a variety of places, including churches, community centers, schools, and hospitals. AA meetings in Vancouver Washington are no exception.

Where to Find AA Meetings in Vancouver Washington

There are many AA meetings in Vancouver Washington and the surrounding area. Vancouver Washington has multiple AA meetings every day of the week. These meetings are held at churches, community centers, schools, and hospitals throughout the city. AA meetings in Vancouver Washington can also be found online at the AA website.

Types of AA Meetings in Vancouver Washington

The types of AA meetings in Vancouver Washington vary depending on the group and the location. The most common type of AA meeting is a closed meeting, which is for members only. Open meetings are for anyone who is looking for help with their drinking, regardless of whether they are members of AA or not. There are also specialized meetings, such as women's meetings, men's meetings, and young people's meetings.

What to Expect at an AA Meeting in Vancouver Washington

AA meetings in Vancouver Washington usually last for one hour and usually start with a welcome and the Serenity Prayer. Each meeting typically has a theme and members share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other. At the end of the meeting, members usually share their contact information so they can stay in touch and provide support to each other outside of the meeting.

Additional Resources for AA Meetings in Vancouver Washington

In addition to attending AA meetings in Vancouver Washington, there are many other resources available to help those in recovery. AA has many online resources, such as books, podcasts, and online support groups. AA also has a website dedicated to helping those in recovery find meetings in their area. There are also many local organizations in Vancouver Washington that provide support for those in recovery, such as Celebrate Recovery and Alcoholics for Christ.


Finding AA meetings in Vancouver Washington is easy. There are many meetings throughout the city and the surrounding area, and they can also be found online on the AA website. There are also many additional resources available to those in recovery, such as books, podcasts, and online support groups. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, AA meetings in Vancouver Washington can provide the support and guidance needed to successfully recover.